Abolition of bullfights and all cruel practices against bulls

Abolition of bullfights and all cruel practices against bulls

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Abolition of bullfights and all cruel practices against bulls

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more

Spain is a nation that prides itself on being a civilized people, but where is its civilization really when they still cultivate a barbarous and cruel, bloody and evil-filled practice, like bullfights? How do you describe yourself as a civilized people?

Civilization and Christianity involve practices other than blood, and of practicing gratuitous murders against unarmed conscious beings, prolonging their pain and cruelty. How is this town determined as a civilized people endorsing mass murder? If they were a civilized nation, how did they fall into this vulgar and inhuman custom? This is called regression. !!!!

I am an Italian who cries hard with the murders, with these unjustified murders. Throughout many parts of the world they ask to stop all the other cruel practices that they have carried out for a long time against innocent animals. It is an uncivilized land impregnated with the blood of innocent victims!

Tell me you're not ashamed, so inhuman, cruel and merciless? If I were you, I would make a great examination of conscience before justifying myself without having a justification for these deplorable actions. Therefore, I ask the Spanish Government to eliminate bullfighting throughout Spain because it is an inhuman and cruel practice, which should no longer be acceptable. And I ask all of you to shout out loud when you sign this petition to stop spilling innocent blood in this ugly world poisoned by cruelty and evil towards all animals!

This petition is addressed to all those who have a heart.


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