Animal rights
Closed the shelters of San Roque!
Victory reached on Dec 31, 2015

Thanks to the accusations of PACMA, the meetings with the people in charge of the San Roque City Council and the Ministry of the Environment of the Regional Government of Andalusia, PACMA got these dogs to be dismantled and the dogs seized.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.
Original petition
More than a hundred hunting dogs are still crammed into shacks in San Roque. PACMA counts more than 30 cages where up to five dogs remain in each one, living between their own feces and urine, without being able to see the light of the sun nor to leave those habitacles where they remain locked up all day. These shelters are found in lands belonging to the Cultural Society of Hunters of Felix Rodriguez de la Fuente in the neighborhood of Guadiaro.
PACMA coordinator in Cádiz, Eduardo Aranyó, commented "I had never seen anything like it in my life. They are hundreds of endless meters of zules superimposed one on another. Dogs crammed, crying, going hungry and thirsty, among their own excrement, dying puppies ... It is indescribable. We will not rest until each and every one of these hunters pays for this. "
It is necessary that they be seized with urgency so that they can be transferred to centers for the collection of animals, it is also imperative that these facilities be closed down. We need to act urgently so that the lives of these animals are no longer in danger because of the terrible conditions in which they remain locked up!
Thank you PACMA for everything you do for our animals!
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.