We want to eliminate the new ordinance where street animals will be euthanized

We want to eliminate the new ordinance where street animals will be euthanized

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We want to eliminate the new ordinance where street animals will be euthanized

Addressed to: Mayor of Puerto Deseado Gustavo González and 1 more

The new veterinarian from Puerto Deseado, Province of Santa Cuz and Director of Canine Control Luciana Fanjul, presented a project to Mayor Gustavo Kaky Gonzalez and Secretary of Government Sergio Viotti, where he says that any dog ​​that is caught on the road public and is not claimed by its owners in the course of x days, will be EUTHANIZED. There is Sarmiento Law No. 14,346 against animal abuse that defends them and must be fulfilled, and this act presented in this Project is Animal Abuse, we can not and will not allow this Ordinance to be fulfilled in any way. And just as they have spent money from the Municipality for 1,000 Microchips and the reading machine, we ask for and demand that the mobile theater be finished to take it out to the street and in free or low cost castration. EUTHANASIA is not the solution.

The Ordinances in force in the town are No. 4206/04 and No. 4848/08

Mr. Mayor Gustavo Gonzalez intendencia@deseado.gob.ar

Mr. Secretary of Government Sergio Viotti gobierno@deseado.gob.ar

We demand that you retract these ordinances.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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