We want more Police presence

We want more Police presence

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We want more Police presence

Addressed to: Mr. Head of the North Regional Commissioner General Américo Room

The undersigned, neighbors of streets: Sáenz Peña, Marcos Avellaneda, Tucumán, Mendoza, San Juan, Between Rio, Santa Fe, Congress and to the surroundings of the stop of the shot we address to you and for its dignified intermission to the corresponding authorities in order to urgently request a greater police presence in the areas mentioned, these areas are constantly attacked by criminals who roam especially on the railways (Pasarella area) carrying objects that day by day steal from neighbors, and that we know that they are going to the neighborhoods located in areas of Roca street and surrounding area to sell it. (Our question is if the neighbor knows, the police do not? In case you do not know we are talking about negligence and incompetence?).

It is truly outrageous and provocative to see that at all hours, and often in broad daylight, these evildoers perform criminal acts and not see police presence for preventive or action tasks, causing the neighbors only discomfort but distrust of those who have to care and guard. Please be completely confused.

On the other hand, the modus operandi they use lately is very noticeable, since they not only enter the homes to steal, but also attack the women who live in the houses wanting to sexually abuse them. (In the last two weekends, two domicile suffered sexual assaults and robbery, there are police complaints).

It should be noted that approximately two years ago we also presented notes and we did not have favorable answers, in case you can not meet the needs raised by “lack of resources” neighbors we request that you send us in writing so that we can manage resources and contribute to the different police stations.

Finally we request that actions be taken urgently as when neighbors are approaching the weekends we can not rest and much less sleep for fear of receiving the attacks of these criminals. We also hope that the complaints made by the different neighbors follow their corresponding courses and the necessary investigations are carried out to arrive at a good port, we are sure that this will be the case, since these criminals have ample records and it is public knowledge who they are.

Without another particular and hoping to have a prompt and favorable response, we bid you farewell.

Neighbors of Tafí Viejo


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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