We want free castration now and kennel with sitters for stray dogs and cats! No more animal abuse in BÚZIOS !!
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Municipality of Búzios and 1 more
With castration we will stop reproduction, so that we can have control and take care of those that we already have on the street, which are many! Animals reproduce constantly, it is necessary and mandatory for the city to provide this service to the community. Environment has to take responsibility. We have many abandoned animals, many animals with diseases in the streets and few people are able to help, they are beings that depend on us, they will always need our help, and our affection, a home to be loved.
That is why it is necessary a kennel that is maintained by the city where all animals, dogs, cats, horses, whatever, animals that are in danger, injured, mistreated or street animals are cared for, with caregivers and a veterinarian to their care.
It is up to the Environment staff to take a stand and be active when it comes to rescuing animals that are abused by people, for their recovery and to provide a suitable home.
Búzios receives a large amount of money for the sector, and where is the investment?
Help us with the petition, help us to help!
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