We want a real Law with real crimes and punishments and not this pseudo Law of mistreatment of animals and the environment

We want a real Law with real crimes and punishments and not this pseudo Law of mistreatment of animals and the environment

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

We want a real Law with real crimes and punishments and not this pseudo Law of mistreatment of animals and the environment

Addressed to: Federal Deputies and 1 more

Because the current Jair Bolsonaro, sells the entire Amazon to his rural friends, destroying the Amazon rain forest, with intense burning and killing our animals. The carelessness is such that a being as minister of the environment is a ruralista and, according to his own words, he wants to change the forest code and spend his time in our Amazon, otherwise we do nothing, we will not have air or animals.

Make the Amazon a global good for the love of God, our environment is being burned, deforested, and our indigenous defenders of our Amazon rain forest are being killed and these facts are ignored by Jair Bolsonaro, Ricardo Salles, the majority of deputies and federal senators, sold at the will of ruralist groups, who are the owners of agriculture (Grupo Ruralista) voted for a friend to be in charge of reforestation, in this petition we remember that we want Law No. 9.605, of February 12, 1998, art. .32. It will begin to have penalties of 12 to 24 years and a fine of 5 to 12 minimum wages for all the practices of mistreatment of animals and the environment that are described in it. But if you continue to ignore our will, the next request could be your request for impeachment.

Remembering that the fine must be reversed in its entirety for the activists or those responsible for replanting the burned or felled areas under the gaze of the Ibama official who was removed from this government, since he is the only one we trust or protectors of the animals reporting crime.

Published: November 25, 2019 (Updated: January 3, 2020).


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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