We need that part of our taxes go to shelters of dogs and other animals

We need that part of our taxes go to shelters of dogs and other animals

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

We need that part of our taxes go to shelters of dogs and other animals

Addressed to: Buenos Aires Governorate

Because I know they could take them into account even if they do not vote. The animals are so noble that they would repay the being taken into account and receive love and care. There are volunteers who do wonders, but they do not reach. They also require budgets.

Dogs can intervene in projects accompanying sick and lonely children and adults. They can help in the security of neighborhoods. They can be guide dogs too.

Let's not condemn to a death of sadness and hardship the dogs that live in the shelters.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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