We need speed bumps in Murillo Bracho, Boscan and Carlos Arniches streets, Torremolinos, Málaga
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Municipality of Torremolinos
In the streets Murillo Bracho, Boscan and Carlos Arniches, located in Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, cars go at a speed much higher than allowed, which produces almost daily many accidents with dogs and cats, most of them with result of death, and accidents between vehicles.
Neither do they respect pedestrians given the speed with which vehicles pass because they do not give them time to slow down, and although they give them time they do not. These vehicles pass through these streets at high speed to save the traffic lights of the main street or just to do races.
The signatories ask the City of Torremolinos to install badges along these streets and put the necessary means to reduce the speed in our streets.
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