We need Laws, and to enforce them, against all types of illegal hunting of animals

We need Laws, and to enforce them, against all types of illegal hunting of animals

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

We need Laws, and to enforce them, against all types of illegal hunting of animals

Addressed to: National Congress and 1 more

Because they kill endangered animals every day. The animals live, breathe, feel love, express love, suffer, cry, eat, communicate, and there are people who kill them.

They hunt and kill wild animals. This happens every day in our country and that's why we need this to be solved in the best possible way. We need a Law that protects all animals, and that beyond punishing with imprisonment for people who beat or kill a dog or cat that send to jail those who kill a wild animal.

There is no difference between a dog, a cat or a deer, that's why the Law should be equal for all animals.

I ask the National Congress to do everything possible to ban hunting by Law. Please sign, you will do good.


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Reasons for signing

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