We need a Law to protects all dogs and cats

We need a Law to protects all dogs and cats

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

We need a Law to protects all dogs and cats

Addressed to: Nicolás Maduro Moros President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Because they are living beings that feel and suffer, and here in Venezuela there are many people who have dogs and do not take care of them, they leave them starving, they throw them to the street. It is not fair that they have to suffer something like that, because they use them but when they don't need them anymore they discard them. Another problem is the lack of food, many people are abandoning their dogs and cats because they cannot feed them and that is also wrong and it is animal abuse. In zoos, animals are also dying from lack of food, lions, tigers, elephants, and many more animals suffer daily from lack of food.

There are no Laws that protect animals from murderers, abusers and torturers, from those who abandon them or have them tied up for life and that is what I ask, justice for animals.


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