We Need a Law Against Animal Abuse and Abandonment

We Need a Law Against Animal Abuse and Abandonment

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We Need a Law Against Animal Abuse and Abandonment

Addressed to: Government of Argentina and 2 more

To end the mistreatment and abuse of animals. Many are separated from their mother at birth and toss them in the trash with impunity.

For an exemplary punishment, so we need a Law, like the one the President of Uruguay enacted, against abuse and abandonment of animals.

In Argentina we need a Law that not only condemn the abandonment, abuse and killing of animals, but also create and manage Public Veterinary Hospitals where you can take the animals, whether or not have owners, and where sterilization campaigns are conducted, in addition with shelters where they are sterilized, take care of and you give them up for adoption. Let us not allow the deaths of more animals, they are our responsibility.


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Reasons for signing

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