We need a hospital that attends to rescued pets
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
We need that the poor people that hardly could expect to pay a vet for their animals may have the option of free vaccinations, free sterilizations and free consultations, procedures at very low cost, free medicines with some sort of bag remedies where people can donate those who have surplus of their pets treatments. We need a change and awareness of people for responsible tenure so avoid abandonment.
Because animals are not only part of nature, but we also provide affection, they are very loyal. They can be your rescuers when you need them, can be your therapist if you feel bad and never ask you for something you do not have, on the contrary, always show you their best smile, his movable tail, telling you you're the most important thing they have in this world and life it stops there.
Thank you
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