We do not want caged animals!

We do not want caged animals!

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

We do not want caged animals!

Addressed to: Intendance of Montevideo

Just watch the animals in the zoo to realize how they live and the sadness they have. We would like us to have places like in other countries, such as Sweden, which brings great joy to visit the zoo, because the animals are in large natural spaces, and have special areas for each species.

Long ago I found out that they were going to take the animals from Villa Dolores and they were going to give them another destiny to those donated blocks of land and even that has not happened.

We want the Zoo of Villa Dolores to be closed definitively and the animals sent to sanctuaries where they can live in freedom in special places for them.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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