Watch and fight with greater severity the animal abuse
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!
Addressed to: National Congress and 2 more
Because every day I see raped dogs, horses agonizing in the streets and people filming instead of stopping the abuse, calling the police or a protector to rescue the animals. I believe that people are involved and complicit with their attitude of not getting involved to fight against animal abuse, which is becoming more frequent every day.
More severe laws and awareness so that everyone gets involved in the defense of animals. That campaigns be created so that people know that Laws protect animals and how to behave to witness a case of animal abuse. We can not blame the authorities when we do nothing to fight against so much damage to animals.
Animal mistreatment hurts feelings and generates impotence for those of us who love animals because we are not there and can not defend or prevent such cruelty with our younger brothers, as a humanist called his picks and owner of the animal home Osvaldo Vignau in Chaco. Osvaldo died years ago trying to save his home, which today is about to be closed due to lack of funds.
Every day that passes more I know the people, my family, and more I love the animals.
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