Verify that they have the rescued animals in good conditions
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Municipal President of Naucalpan de Juárez Edgar Armando Olvera Higuera
The person in charge of the place mistreats the rescued animals, charges you for having them there and if she does not like the dogs, she kills them! When you adopt an animal, it charges you recovery expenses that are the same as the rescuer has to pay to have it there. The vaccine does not only operate without having the necessary care for recovery. Do not pay doctors are volunteers!
Terrible attention offered in this place for people who offer to rescue animals in the streets, profit from the money of people who want a puppy, between there asking for reports to leave an animal that I found on the street, and asked me in a super gross way and despots a recovery fee of 1,500 pesos plus to take it sterilized, with flea powders and vaccines put, that is, they charge us everything the animal needs, and then charge it back to the people who decide to adopt the double, obvious they tell them that they put it with their doctors which is a vile lie and do not accept donations of food or anything and above see what conditions they have, go business ... a lot of eye and recommendation do not adopt there or in PETCO because they work together. (The one who attends is a lady with black hair with blue eyes, she is the one who is bare).
The place is located in Satellite, on Missionary Circuit (which later becomes the Satellite Sources Av.).
She says she is untouchable since she is very close to one of the townsfolk. Help me or go to the corresponding authorities.
Thank you.
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