Unite to demand the end of the slaughter of dolphins in Japan

Unite to demand the end of the slaughter of dolphins in Japan

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Unite to demand the end of the slaughter of dolphins in Japan

Addressed to: Government of Japan

Last year Japan reauthorized the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, a town of fishermen that annually hunt more than 1,000 dolphins in a bloody and violent way.

In this fishing village, considered the cradle of cetaceans fishing in this country, for decades has been practiced the capture and killing of dolphins under the protection of the coastal police to prevent activists do not conflict with fishermen.

Fishermen use a method, created by themselves, in which several boats create a wall of sound that pushes the dolphins into the bay, then they are selected and harpooned, reaching the bay dyed red due to the amount of blood spilled in this bloody act of animal cruelty.

We must prohibit these acts of cruelty and savagery, in the XXI century we can no longer allow these abuses to exist.

The more people unite to demand to stop the slaughter of dolphins in Japan, the better we'll be heard.


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Reasons for signing

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