Try to stop fracking in San Rafael, Mendoza

Try to stop fracking in San Rafael, Mendoza

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Try to stop fracking in San Rafael, Mendoza

Addressed to: Governor of the Province of Mendoza Alfredo Cornejo and 1 more

This is important since it is about to sign a 35 year contract and another 5 to allow fracking in San Rafael, Mendoza. Something that will contaminate the water in the reserves of the area, so I propose that all Argentines who want to join against these companies that want to soil the water of the place with these extractions of oil.

"The translation of fracking is hydraulic fracture, through water and many chemicals fracture the rock thousands of meters deep, unlike conventional hydrocarbons that one clicks and by the pressure itself get the minerals.The fracking process ends with all those hundreds of thousands of liters of chemicals in the groundwater, generating pollution, in fact, the water that makes them contaminated leaves them in wells, generating more pollution, "according to environmental lawyer Enrique Viale, who also said that "forbidden in France, in Germany, in some states of the United States, in Bulgaria, in England, there is a lot of scientific evidence to prove its contamination ".

Let us not be contaminated and murdered in this way.


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