Travel with our pets

Travel with our pets

people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Travel with our pets

Addressed to: Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF)

I think that all that we have pets we love to travel with them, today only those people whose pets weighing less than 10 kg can do it. And in a cage can travel in other countries. Pets are welcome on trains, subways, buses and here is a real odyssey to travel with them.

It would be a good option to have a wagon for those who have larger pets can go with them to enjoy a holiday, for granted that these pets must meet all the requirements of vaccines, good health and with their "papers in order" and as the harness or leash and muzzle if it is necessary... well, of course that the people with pets are responsible for them and must be responsible for cleaning.

I also believe that this measure would make rail travel increase because many people do not want to leave our friends in kennels, residences or whatever they are called.

I hope that this request is supported by many animal lovers.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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