Transforming the Pazo de Meirás into the Emilia Pardo Bazán Museum

Transforming the Pazo de Meirás into the Emilia Pardo Bazán Museum

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Transforming the Pazo de Meirás into the Emilia Pardo Bazán Museum

Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more

Emilia Pardo Bazán was an intellectual considered the best Novelist of the 19th century. Journalist, poet, publisher, playwright, essayist, professor, and fighter for freedom and feminism, was the former owner of the Pazo, so in her honor should transform that place into a museum about her life.

Pazo de Meirás is used by the Francisco Franco Foundation to make an apology for the dictatorship and the “grandeur” of its leader. The organization dedicated to exalt Francoism insists on stirring up the account of a “generous donation” of the “Galician people” through “public subscription” that contrasts with the abundant documentation and investigations that prove the expolio of the building, concretized in the years of greater repression in Galician territory and while in other points of the State continued the Civil War.

We must honor Emilia Pardo Bazán transforming the Pazo of a place where the Francoism is exalted to a place where the life and work of this great figure of the Spanish culture is honored.


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