Traffic law for cyclists, make them aware too !!
people signed. Let's get to 500!
Addressed to: Ministry of Public Works and 1 more
I have decided to put this in motion as I constantly encounter infringements committed by cyclists who put my life, yours and the third party in danger. And seeing how they are putting things to protect them alone.
I do not want to say with this that you do not have to always respect them, but try to get some more awareness, laws, or obligations that they should have them, just like any motor vehicle or not that circulates by public means. So much so: take out a traffic register, where they must also learn how to circulate in each case, have registration, just like any vehicle that circulates on the road is required to have. Pay your taxes like all other vehicles, as they circulate along the road like us. Having a road insurance, since if for some case the fault is the cyclist there is no one to cover such damages, such as an outrage. Prohibition of them by pedestrian areas, as they are for pedestrians.
We must make clear where they can circulate, as both go on the sidewalk and the road, and apparently always have preference, and above all make it clear that not only drivers of vehicles are guilty of accidents with cyclists, but many are also caused by road violations.
With this try to get them to control the cyclists much more than they do, because with the infractions they comment do not fined them half!
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