To the Government of Costa Rica to declare the land a WORLD RESERVE
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of Costa Rica and 2 more
This is a petition to the Government of Costa Rica to declare the abandoned farm known as "La Finca de Las 3 Cataratas" a 568 hectare piece of land, resplendent in Virgin rain forest, primary forests and the most rare and precious trees of the land, to be declared a WORLD RESERVE.
This land helps to support the world climate, so we "the world" are all responsible to conserve and preserve areas such as this.
God has blessed this land with pure and fresh spring waters, glorious waterfalls, streams and rivers. Let us preserve this for now and future generations to come.
Its home to countless wild animals and an immeasurable biodiversification of plant life that awaits its discovery.
Who are we to destroy what God has so freely given unto us??!!
Let us all ensure a bright and beautiful future for our children and grandchildren.
Thank you. Do it for someone you love.
The exact farm location: in the Savegre District, Canton Quepos, Province of Puntarenas, border in the north with: Rodrigo Cháves Sánchez, south: Río Guabas Quebrada La Brujo camino, East: Raúl Chinchilla Arcelino Azofeifa, West: Dimas Campos and Arcelino Azofeifa.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.