There must be filtration and treatment to deep drainage

There must be filtration and treatment to deep drainage

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There must be filtration and treatment to deep drainage

Addressed to: Mayor of Mexico City

There is the possibility of carrying out the production of biofertilizers from the manure, as it happens in the city of Milwaukee, United States of North America. Also work on the treatment of wastewater to produce biogas, which would also work as a tourist attraction and example of an ecological city.

Biogas is a fuel that is generated by the degradation of organic matter found, for example, in wastewater. It is very common to occur in places such as landfills, which accumulate large amounts of solid waste that undergo decomposition processes.

It is a renewable energy source that can be used to produce electrical energy and thermal energy through co-management engines or microturbines, it can be conditioned for use in fuel cells and can even be purified to be used as fuel for vehicles and even for its injection into the natural gas network.


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