There are still kennels in each State and animal factories, regardless of their suffering
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of Mexico
Because all the animals matter to me, even the animals that are taken to slaughterhouse for their consumption, in addition to the cruel way in which they are killed, because their perpetrators skin and butcher them while they are still alive. They mutilate their limbs while they complain of pain and they are not able to defend themselves as they are tied and hanging from hooks !!! And that makes me sick !!!
I cannot tolerate seeing such coldness and indifference to the voiceless innocents. If I were the leader of my Government and were in my hands, everything in my country would change. It would close all the kennels and animal factories throughout the country because in these places it is where more animal abuse exists.
Punish whoever hurts an animal with the full weight of the Laws!
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