The union is strength, help me to get troughs and feeders for abandoned animals
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: Cuajimalpa's delegational head Miguel Ángel Salazar Martínez
We still have the beauty of birds and their song, the barking of dogs abandoned or born on the street. They need to have water to quench their thirst, that's why my request is so that those who are in the government can help us place drinkers in the parks.
And if it is not too much to ask, I would also like to request that there be feeding places, they often do not have anyone to help them and in the street they end up dying of hunger. Some break bags to feed themselves and are beaten by heartless people.
To avoid so much suffering is that I request both drinkers and feeders for abandoned animals.
Thank you.
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