The Mayor ordered the demolition of an entire neighborhood and caused the death of many stray animals

The Mayor ordered the demolition of an entire neighborhood and caused the death of many stray animals

people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

The Mayor ordered the demolition of an entire neighborhood and caused the death of many stray animals

Addressed to: Municipal Intendance of Montevideo

I ask that measures be taken against the Mayor of Montevideo Daniel Martínez since he ordered the demolition of an entire neighborhood and was not able to communicate with the animal protection NGOs to remove the stray animals. Many of these defenseless animals were trapped under the rubble of demolished houses, dying in a very cruel way.

It is dangerous that individuals with that profile of cruelty to the weakest (in this case animals) accede to positions of power.

Today are animals, tomorrow?


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Reasons for signing

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