The health inssurance stop working with all the ultrasounds, tomographies and magnetic resonances clinics and hospitals that in La Plata
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Addressed to: OSTEE Luz Médica
My father is 86 years old and we live in La Plata since he retired from SEGBA. He had the health inssurance of the Workers of Electricity Companies or Light Medical. The shortcomings are tremendous, the excessive discounts.
Almost a month ago my father is struggling to get an MRI of his knee because he has tremendous pain and can barely walk. We were told that they had cut both with the Mon Diagnostic Center for studies, as well as with any of those in La Plata for that study. It has no choice but to pay for the study, which we will concretize today in a particular way.
They left all the affiliates with no option and possibility of doing RX, ultrasound, tomography or resonance, and I suppose that there will be more complex studies that do not authorize alluding to a lack of payment, when my father is discounted at least six thousand pesos each month between social quota, mutual fund and others that we do not know what they are or what benefit they would contribute.
OSTEE employees invited us to go to Buenos Aires. I, who am the daughter, am an oncological patient. How do I take my father to a clinic or institute of Capital Federal or Greater Buenos Aires?
Not only the medical coverage is terrible, and I do not know what to do to report such an outrage to so many retirees who have contributed throughout their lives and now leave them alone.
Help me by orienting myself because we are desperate.
Thank you
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