That the Law that prohibits the traction to blood be fulfilled, I still see suffering those poor little horses
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!
Addressed to: Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires
High temperatures are occurring, and poor animals carry a weight that in some cases is higher than theirs. I have never seen the driver who gives them a little water, I think there is a law a few years ago that prohibited blood traction in the Federal Capital, what happened to that?
We can not remain undeterred by these cases of animal abuse, it makes me suffer to see the state in which these horses have to work for more than 16 hours daily under this terrible heat, without water and without food. It is a new class of slavery in the 21st century.
Let us end this suffering by asking the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires to enforce the Law and remove the horses from the streets.
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