That the Disability Assistance Dogs are accepted in the malls, we also go shopping!
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!
Addressed to: Minister of People with Disabilities
Because in the big stores and malls we can not count on the help of our companion dogs, which harms us, because they are prohibited in the stores. They make excuses with the hygiene, but they are able to help us, not to steal food in the Rays and leave the pack half empty as some young bipeds do !!!), in summer with a hot period, where we leave them?
Ladies and gentlemen, directors of big stores and malls (I will not mention names), it would be good to think that our puppies, if they are accompanying us, is not for nothing, we need them!
Also the DISABLED have the need to go shopping to feed us !!!
Thanks to the GOVERNMENT, for taking the necessary measures ...
Marie-Josée RAFFARIN
(Do you remember the RAFFARIN Law?)
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