That non-dangerous little puppies can travel in the Madrid Metro without muzzle

That non-dangerous little puppies can travel in the Madrid Metro without muzzle

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That non-dangerous little puppies can travel in the Madrid Metro without muzzle

Addressed to: Municipality of Madrid

I do not see it inconvenient to not use muzzle to the small puppies, they are not classified as potentially dangerous and as an example I will put the yorkshires, Maltese, Pomeranians, Carlines, French bulldog, etc.

There is no need that with the heat that does in the Metro they have to walk with muzzle, having a bad time, an animal that does not bite, nor is it dangerous for anyone. That is why I ask the City of Madrid that small dogs, which are not dangerous, can travel in the Madrid Metro without muzzle.

Please support this request so that you do not suffer so much.


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