That hospitals stop the institutions from this crime to life they are causing.
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Goverment of Cataluña
I denounce that the Generalitat of Catalonia (Spain) and any institution in the world without the citizen knowing it, They distribute large quantities of sewage treatment plant fertilizers in many parts of rural areas, paying with public money for its transport, giving it to farmers making them believe that it is good for the environment, contaminating all aquifers and subway drinking water mines and the worst thing is that these effects do not begin to be seen after 10 years, then you see and look for the culprits because everyone protects themselves and then the consequences are the number of people who are dying in hospitals from blood cancer caused by these contaminated waters and they give it to you as drinking water.
I ask that the hospital unions and the hospitals themselves make an investigation because I as a farmer and also harmed by being in an affected area I have tried to take it to laboratories and they all tell me that I have to ask them what kind of things I want to analyze and as the fertilizers have so many thousands of different toxic substances there are no machines that can analyze everything, Instead they are studies of thousands of euros with very sensitive machines and in very few places they have them, that is to say, we are in a snake that bites its own tail, it is something impossible to pay while they are destroying our most important resources, which are the groundwater without control.
That is why I make a national protest to stop it because this is used between environmental institutions to manage waste without regard for life and is something that must be stopped and my phone is 0034618499248 Spain if anyone wants to help make a campaign to promote this attack on the lives of all.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.