That all companies in Argentina produce with 100% recyclable materials

That all companies in Argentina produce with 100% recyclable materials

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

That all companies in Argentina produce with 100% recyclable materials

Addressed to: President Mauricio Macri and 1 more

It is important because the planet Earth is our space, it is our house, the place where we live. Most companies are not totally ecological. We all have to think and prevent more pollution in the future.

The island of garbage of the Pacific is already as big as Spain, France and Germany, and although it had been speculated that its existence was not real, a recent study confirms that it covers several million square kilometers and continues to grow. We need to stop this.

We have to be more far-sighted, because we all have to take care of the planet and life in it, and for this we need that the materials used in the industry are recyclable.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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