That a Law be created that punishes the animal mistreatment (domestic and equine)
people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Addressed to: Government of the Argentine Republic and 1 more
It is important because there are many people who in their ignorance think that animals are born WITHOUT FEELINGS, and many of us know that it IS NOT THAT way, they teach us every day of LOYALTY, FELLOWSHIP, OF “NO DISCRIMINATION”, CONFIDENCE, HOPE.
We are lost in greed, selfishness, hypocrisy, lies, falsehood, intrigues, slander, envy, and much evil. For these innocent at heart we are pure evil, the human being can be so despicable and cruel that he does not care about the suffering caused to these noble and beautiful beings inside and out!
For all the damage we do to animals is that we need a law that punishes people who mistreat and kill animals, let’s not allow these atrocities against them anymore.
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