Take urgent action on animal abuse and the environment

Take urgent action on animal abuse and the environment

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Take urgent action on animal abuse and the environment

Addressed to: Secretary / Attorney for the Environment and 2 more

Because no animal of any species deserves any type of violence: in these 2 cases, the cattle literally live among their excrement, in the rainy season the feces become liquid and in the heat they have nowhere to shelter (they are always out in the open at all the year) that life that they give to those unworthy animals. It saddens and fills with impotence groups and people who love animal welfare.

Because the accumulation of excrement is increasing every day and difficult to handle, the owners are not taking any action to avoid greater damage or some possible environmental catastrophe, especially one of them, which due to the size of the land is the one that causes the most considerable damage is causing the environment. It should be said that the land where he has the cattle, he illegally invaded, because that land had been donated for the construction of a church.

At the municipal level, two of its dependencies are already intervening: Ecology and Environment and Legal Advice, which have already given notice to the Secretary of the Environment and the Procurator for the Environment and Territorial Planning, but so far they have not given support timely.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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