Take drastic measures because the La Joya River, in Monticello, Carretera Colotlán, is being contaminated

Take drastic measures because the La Joya River, in Monticello, Carretera Colotlán, is being contaminated

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Take drastic measures because the La Joya River, in Monticello, Carretera Colotlán, is being contaminated

Addressed to: SEMARNAT and 3 more

They are doing an ecocide of the river, previously transparent, and that now reeks of soap. To that river go ducks, cows, horses, owls, skunks, coyotes, gulls, all the wildlife of the area. Many dead fish are appearing.

I do not understand why the people who build neighborhoods did not put a sewage system in order not to simply throw everything into a river that was previously crystalline. The inhabitants of the place do not go any more to bathe, or to make a family day, because they know that their river comes contaminated. I'm scared, I'm going with my pack of dogs and it's horrible to see huge foam in the river that stinks.

We need prompt help from PROFEPA, SEMARNAT, CONAGUA and the State Government.

Thank you.


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