Take care of them and give them love as they deserve it
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Government of Chile
It is important because there are many abandoned and starving dogs. It is dangerous for society and it is not dignified to lead a life like this, more than they are not responsible, the guilty are those people who throw them out on the street, and do not think about all the precariousness that will happen, and the dangers to which they will face. It is not possible that they have to go through so much and I think that kennels should not exist, they should be shelters where dogs are given a lot of love and the care they need, so that they have a dignified life full of love.
That is why I do not agree that kennels continue to exist, it is not fair that after going hungry, cold, dangers of different kinds, they are rescued to lock them in a cage, without love and at risk that if they are not adopted they put them to sleep.
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