Tagged Transgenic: I request Law of labeling of genetically manipulated foods
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Addressed to: National Administration of Medicines Food and Medical Technology
Transgenics are toxic to human health.
I request a Law on the labeling of genetically engineered foods.
I am 43 years old, I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I live 25 years ago in the city of Villa Mercedes (San Luis), mother of two children.
I am concerned about the environment and long-term health.
My research is about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the effects they have on health when we eat them.
In recent years the biotechnological revolution has evolved significantly. Knowledge about the way deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) works and operates has allowed the development of an industry based on the manipulation of genetic mechanisms.
This technology allows living organisms to be altered in both plants and animals, creating new features that would not have arisen by natural evolutionary processes, these new living beings, plants, animals, bacteria and viruses are specifically designed and conceived in laboratories.
One of the areas where the transformation has been most prominent is in the creation of new plants and food products through biotechnology, several varieties of maize, soy, wheat and rye genetically altered. Among the major concerns about these new foods is the result of the change to the genetic sequence of DNA.
The development of these techniques alters the natural growth of the plant and also resistance to various factors such as "weeds", insects and insecticides.
There are different types of transgenic seeds, the insect venom (glyphosate) the world's largest herbicide, even in 1000-fold divided doses stimulate the death of human embryonic cells, which could cause malformations, abortions, hormonal problems, genitalia Or reproduction, as well as different types of cancers.
In 2015 the International Agency for Cancer Research of the World Health Organization announced that GLISOFATO, entered category 2A of its classification system which means PROBABLY CANCERIGENO.
Conceptualizing, transgenics are genetically modified foods that have been introduced one or more genes of other species to give that product the characteristics of the new gene introduced.
Chemicals applied to transgenic crops could be passed on to those who consume it, using foods that contain, for example, corn sugar, including soft drinks, pastry, chocolates, candies, chocolates, etc. , Animals that we eat that have been fed with transgenic maize, chickens, cow, rabbit, pork and their derivatives milk, egg, etc.
By provoking allergies, resistance to antibiotics, cancer, hormonal, metabolic, immune, nervous, reproductive, which are related to the chemical agents they contain, according to an interview with the EU transgenic expert Dr Gilles- Eric Serallini to check if GMOs are toxic, laboratories are given two doses of transgenic maize to rats for three months, then blood tests are performed at five weeks and three months, obtaining the following results:
A) Increase of fat in blood (20% to 40%)
B) Sugar increase (10%)
C) Urinary misalignments
D) Problems in the kidneys and liver (Precisely the organs of detoxification)
E) As well as cancer and premature death.
It should be noted that there are currently no regulations that force producers and distributors to identify products as transgenic, so users are not free to choose their consumption.
Promote the implementation of the labeling applicable to foods in which the presence of DNA or genetically modified proteins can be verified.
Since the number of products containing genetically modified organisms, placed on the market is constantly increasing.
These transgenic products with which we feed are not labeled as such and consequently consumers without being informed.
The new labeling will offer consumers the knowledge of whether their food was genetically engineered.
The labeling would expand the already implemented project of healthy eating habits in children of school age, requesting to eliminate the use of genetically modified or transgenic products destined for human consumption in the school snack, as well as to establish education campaigns in the population , Starting with institutions.
The labeling of transgenic foods would ensure that consumers are aware of what they are ingesting and can make informed decisions.
In this way, those who consider that transgenic products are better and more beneficial to their health, may freely and expressly select them for consumption through labeling, and those who have their reservations about the consumption of these foods, will also have the possibility of Not acquiring them, for having accessed the sufficient information, that allowed them to make free choice that the law of the consumer guarantees them.
The biotechnological advance, has the consumers baffled and before an unknown subject, for that reason it is necessary that their right to be informed is respected because and as these new foods are produced, to have guarantee of effective controls by official entities Independent, to freely choose between foods that have been genetically modified or not.
Genetically modified food is understood to mean any person who is composed or contains organisms in which the genetic material composing it has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally, using genetic engineering techniques.
The labeling must be specifically visible, separate from the ingredients and nutritional information.
The state has an obligation to protect the health, safety and assets of consumers and users, ensuring equal treatment, freedom of choice and access to information, transparently, adequate, truthful and timely.
Exercising the right that assists us as citizens to take initiative for the presentation of the bill, with the aim of preventing irreparable damage to our health.
The right to food is the first of all basic needs.
The realization of the labeling logo, through a project presented in primary and secondary schools, so that students are informed and included through knowledge, giving a prize to the winner of the selected logo, as an incentive of the work done.
Analía Verónica Huck
DNI 23073820
Villa Mercedes -San Luis
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.