Suspend the demolition of the facilities of the NGO S.O.S RESCATE FAUNA MARINA
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Dr. Tabaré Vázquez President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
The only NGO to rescue and rehabilitate marine creatures from the Uruguayan coast has received a fateful municipal order to evict their Punta Colorada facilities, which should be carried out as soon as possible. Its founder Richard Tesore has dedicated 26 years of his life in difficult, exhausting and risky tasks of rescue of marine fauna that wounded or sick were in imminent risk of death; Only a man with a deep vocation for service and a great love for animals could carry out such a demanding task with so few resources available.
Countless marine creatures (penguins, sea lions, dolphins, turtles, gulls, etc.) survived thanks to veterinary medical care and the love of Richard and his team of collaborators. The bond of Tesore with their rescued (many of them puppies) during the recovery treatment made it more painful to say goodbye when they had to return to their maritime habitat with their peers, dozens of moving anecdotes are testimonies of that deep bond between man and the animal despite the obvious biological differences between both genders. That resolution to evict the coastal physical space where the NGO SOS RESCATE DE LA FAUNA MARINA works is a tremendous blow, not only for those who with great effort and sacrifice set up this exemplary center for animal rehabilitation, but also for hundreds of aquatic creatures that no longer They will have the opportunity to be cured of serious injuries that may lead to certain death.
Nor should we forget the great educational work beneficial for children, youth and adults through educational talks in relation to environmental issues, says this noble rescuer: "IF WE KEEP ECOSYSTEMS IN HEALTHY STATES WE WILL LIVE ALL WITH THE BEST QUALITY OF LIFETIME". Being a rescue work, rehabilitation and educational of national interest that goes beyond the purely departmental limits (Maldonado), important for the entire maritime territory of the Republic, only the authority that holds his presidential office can reverse this situation so harmful for a group of people who gave and give much in defense of the animals of our aquatic fauna, to the end of constituting their sense of life.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.