Support the family of the Police Officer killed in the city of La Paz, Uruguay

Support the family of the Police Officer killed in the city of La Paz, Uruguay

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Support the family of the Police Officer killed in the city of La Paz, Uruguay

Addressed to: Republic President Dr. Tabaré Vázquez and 1 more

This police officer, father of two children, also worked as a security guard in a trade, in his free time. The Police Officers in Uruguay earn very little and have double jobs to lead a better life, a thief who was perpetrating a robbery in the commerce that the police officer were watching, was shot and killed by this thug.

The President of the Republic, Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, and the Minister of the Interior, Mr. Bonomi, did not want to be honored by this young policeman, or support the family, because he was not working, saying that " he was not in their function ", and with this decision leave the two children homeless.


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Reasons for signing

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