Strongly prohibit breeding grounds or badly named lion sanctuaries in Africa, use the lions as target or trophies
people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Addressed to: Government of South Africa and 1 more
Since the Laws in South Africa are so vague in defending their wildlife from poachers, there is no way to control the killing of wild animals. And many of them are hunted in the so-called Sanctuaries for Lions, which in an overlapping way hides breeding and reproduction in an intensive way, reproducing females without rest, separating their offspring within a few days of being born and commercializing their hunting on the Internet.
Each animal, according to its “beauty”, has a price, a price for people who kill them cruelly, shooting the target, this type of hunting is called “canned”, which is any type of game where the animal to be knocked down it prevents the possibility of escape, using physical impediments such as fenced enclosures and other conditions of contact with humans, since these animals are raised and fed by humans and are familiar to their presence.
This has to end, just continue to allow this murder!
We ask the Government of South Africa to do everything humanly possible to end this indiscriminate killing of lions.
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