Stronger sanctions for animal abuse, support for independent rescuers and the disappearance of Canine Control Centers
people signed. Let's get to 50,000!

Addressed to: Government of the State of Coahuila and 2 more
In the Mexican Republic, animal abuse seems not to be a serious problem for governments. The companion animals and all kinds of animals that are in the city and in the countryside, suffer from serious violations of rights, abuse and those who do not receive any sanction from the Justice. Those of us who are animalists have to make a viacrucis to be able to help abandoned and abused animals.
I just star rescuing dogs for not more than three years, but each time the abandonment and the mistreatment of the dog and cat that lives in the streets is worse, who we rescue, we do it with our resources and sometimes the Government ends up bothering us.
Canine Control does not work, they kill them, it's a cold prison with an expiration date for the hairy ones, since after three days of being there they are sacrificed. In the municipal garbage dump, dogs that know only hunger, indifference and pain, scabies, distemper, tiredness.
There is a recent creation that is the environmental patrol, with the beginning of the Town Hall in charge of Manolo Jiménez, the problem is that if there is no visible mistreatment they leave and if it dies then it is bad and if not, then it goes to the kennel, and it is a circle of death and no one taking charge.
The support to independent rescuers with the creation of a public veterinary hospital and support for food can solve them by not having to make an institution for it. If they help us, we watch over them, and we will not stop doing it, never, but sometimes it is very difficult. Without the control of buying and selling, without promotion in adoptions and without a public veterinary hospital with sterilizations and vaccines, we will be in a deadly circle that we can never stop.
If you support us together, we can do a much greater good for the animals.
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