Stop the pest control squad that is throwing poison for rodents

Stop the pest control squad that is throwing poison for rodents

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Stop the pest control squad that is throwing poison for rodents

Addressed to: General Directorate of Environmental Management and 1 more

They are putting the lives of people and animals at risk by saying that poison for rodents does not harm humans or pets. We all know that it is not like that. ENOUGH!


A person called me on the phone to tell me that employees of the municipality are throwing rat poison in El Pinar Norte, not only on the street but also throw it inside the gardens of the houses. When this person saw them, he went out to ask and question the action, obviously, but they say they have the order of the Intendency.

Imagine, without any control, throwing poison like candy, it is not to believe this country. All the neighbors went out to reproach and bitch them and these people left (they were 6). They did not throw more poison in there but they will continue to throw in other places.

According to these types it is not toxic, but when the person went to grab it, one of the people said, ma'am, do not grab it without gloves that is toxic.


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