Stop the illegal hunting of bull sharks, blue sharks or tiger shark, two different species

Stop the illegal hunting of bull sharks, blue sharks or tiger shark, two different species

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Stop the illegal hunting of bull sharks, blue sharks or tiger shark, two different species

Addressed to: Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Rural Development Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) and 1 more

Staff working at the Punta Sam pier ensured that this cooperative comes from Isla Mujeres, and that it is not the first time that this "special" product comes, at least every three months comes with this product as an exclusive order of a company in Cancun.

On one of the three piers in the Punta Sam area there were traces of blood on the dock, red-stained puddles of those sharks of all sizes that were placed one by one on the entire plate of the pier; the scent of those traces announced the decomposition of the blood on contact with water, sun and moisture.

Save our marine life. We need to take care of our marine fauna, if we continue to allow the illegal hunting of the bull and tiger shark, within a long time they will become extinct.


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