Stop the animal mistreatment, let them know that they have us to enforce their Laws
people signed. Let's get to 20,000!

Addressed to: Presidency of Peru and 2 more
We need to become aware of the value of the life of all beings, not only us humans, because animals also feel and suffer pain and lack of love. Let’s know how to value each species, no matter how small or big it may be. We must realize that every abuse or violation of their rights must be punished as the Law says, that is why we need the Justice and the Police to act defending the animals, because Laws are useless when those who have to enforce them do not do it.
The Laws are useless when those responsible for enforcing them disregard, because according to them “they are only animals”. We urgently need something to be done about it, special divisions are created to deal with the cases of animal abuse, or some effective way so that the Laws, which already exist, are fulfilled.
I hope the authorities read my request.
Thank you.
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