Stop the Abandonment and Abuse of Dogs

Stop the Abandonment and Abuse of Dogs

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Stop the Abandonment and Abuse of Dogs

Addressed to: Government of Spain

Dogs have been with us for years, have fought for us and they have accompanied us even when we die, they have forgiven barbarities, and still allow it.

Please ask everyone who reads this to put in the place of your pet, a creature that cannot really defend itself because it never would harm someone who loves.

Dogs do for us something that no one would, they would give their life for us if necessary, although they were pointing a gun, would follow us, so ask you to sign this petition.

We want from the Government a campaign against abandonment, free sterilizations and fining and imprinsonment to anyone who mistreat and abandon a pet.

Dogs deserve justice!


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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