Stop Hunting
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Addressed to: Government of Ecuador
We need to create awareness of the terrible damage that the poaching caused, please I ask you all to help in an awareness campaign on hunting endangered species, sharing my petition.
Year after year more than 2,500 animals are rescued by the Environmental Police Unit. These animals are sold to zoos or individuals to be pets, or killed for their meat.
But there are tens of thousands who die for their fur, claws, horns, fangs or wings. From sharks to condors, through jaguars, turtles, Andean wolves or arachnids, all suffer an horrific death for unscrupulous profit from them.
Currently only 50 condors remain in Ecuador, which is why more than ever we must ask the Government of Ecuador to put all his effort to end once and for all with the poachers. In Galapagos, Ecuador´s most controlled area, there have been attempts to steal species, what can we expect for the rest of the country?
In the area of the Amazon you can see restaurants offering "bush meat" these exotic dishes incorporate tapirs, peccaries, armadillos, alligators and guantas. The Ministry of Environment wants to avoid these practices raising awareness with some programs and the development of sustainable tourism, but does not improve the situation.
The Penal Code punishes with only 4 years in prison the hunters who kill animals in danger of extinction, which is why we need greater state controls and tougher Laws, so that anyone who wants to poach in Ecuador, think twice before risking to spend at least 10 years in prison.
The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.