Stop hunting! 17 years old bear has been killed by Prince Emanuel of Liechtenstein!

Stop hunting! 17 years old bear has been killed by Prince Emanuel of Liechtenstein!

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Stop hunting! 17 years old bear has been killed by Prince Emanuel of Liechtenstein!

Addressed to: Romanian Government and 2 more

The Prince was granted a permit to kill a female bear, who had been menacing a village in the Carpathian Mountains, according to environmental groups. But somehow Arthur, who lived in a nature reserve nearby, ended up getting killed instead, because The Prince didn’t care about the environment, but he cared only about the trophy.

Romania has the largest number of brown bears in the European Union.

Government documents viewed by the Associated Press indicated that the prince had “harvested” a 17-year-old brown bear after paying about $8,400 and obtaining a four-day hunting permit.

At 17 years old, the brown bear “Arthur” may have been the largest in all of Europe.

Ann-Kathrin Freude, campaign coordinator of VGT, said: “Trophy hunting must be outlawed. It is a shame for Austria that Prince Emanuel abused a derogation to kill this beautiful bear.

Hunting is not a sport!

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