Stop blocking (punishment) per share or upload photos, reviews that consider goes against their interests
people signed. Let's get to 1,000!
Addressed to: Facebook Administrators
FaceBook is given the task of blocking by "X" number of days people who share or upload a photo or make comments, which are usually cases reported by users, which indicate that the topics discussed offend the FaceBook community. It is clear that in most cases FB take this "claim" to block even without investigating if indeed your participation is "abusive" or offends someone, discriminates, etc.
Actually it is a way to punish people who are considered potentially harmful for their ideas, but they do not proclaim violence, subversion, etc. users who report contents are actually FB partners entrenched in different communities or "walls" of FB, for a given time allow people to block non grata for FB. Through what has been reported.
How serious the matter is that, constantly proclaim freedom of thought, belief, expression, opinion, criticism, even satirical, who by custom is done through memes, satirical cartoons, videos etc. (In this case even circulating freely on sites like YouTube, etc. that is implicitly not forbidden SHARE. In many profiles appear these issues that are shared even "virally", but suddenly makes the exception FaceBook blocks and "punishes "as modern inquisitors who the share of these or other sources or profiles to which no sanction, and have the same compartments. Even the image of a Santa Claus dressed in black as a SS" Nazi "has motivated sanctions until a month although the image is satirical unbridled consumerism to criticize and dehumanization of character .., this is freedom of expression? They agree however, obscene, pornographic, vulgar and demeaning sentences images, etc. Where have respect for First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, whose support FaceBook works?
The constitutions of several countries, including Mexico, Chile, Argentina, guarantee freedom of expression and FB operates in these countries without respect for local laws and the right to information in Mexico, is constitutional guarantee, all these laws and agreements signed on behalf of the World Declaration of Human Rights...
I think it would be wise to these protests by thousands of users who see blocked all functions that sites like FaceBook say keep them as chat, opinion, (I like-or likes), in some cases damaging the specific interests of users to meet. If no censorship or limitation on certain topics should clearly specify what issues apply censorship and prohibition, and not pretend to be respectful of the interests of users that favor our presence and use.
Another issue is that reached its decision there is no real communication with managers to expose the protests and establish self-defense in their own right or right to reply. There are users who materially have been pressured to provide personal data, identification credential (in Mexico even the IFE, National Service, or passports so they can keep their sites and profiles, and even obliged to publish their real names and photos , endangering their physical integrity being exposed to people with contrary ideas.
It is true that it is not participating in total anonymity, because as FB has the personal data of users, but do not hesitate to display in user profiles, and do without nicknames, fictitious names, etc., with the most users are identified in its walls, being exposed to moral damage, physical etc.
I think it's time to listen to their users and even the most "uncomfortable" to present their reasons and to defend the permanent violation of their human rights, with a clear response from administrators...
And it is not that hard, is intended to remain in FB, but if they monopolize this type of communication cannot be accepted without equal rights of expression for all. Leave these data for its consideration. A respectful greeting to all those involved in the project.
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