Stop animal testing

Stop animal testing

people signed. Let's get to 10,000!

Stop animal testing

Addressed to: President of Argentina Mauricio Macri and 2 more

Animal testing is a pure and vile act of cruelty to innocent animals with the same right to life as humans. There are control and testing methods that do not require any involvement of innocent animals.

We demand a law to protect and defend them. To be presented at the congress of the nation. We demand a law for products that are manufactured and imported into Argentine territory must have a "cruelty free" stamp, not experimenting with animals. No animal testing is needed to ensure that the substances are safe for human consumption.

Animal experiments tell us things about animals, not about people. The results of animal studies can never guarantee with certainty the safety or efficacy of human medicines or other products for biological, anatomical and biochemical basic differences between species.

Each year are used between 50 and 100 million vertebrates and invertebrates. Most of them are euthanized after the experiment. Animals can be bred specifically for research or taken from the wild or supplied by dealers who obtain them from auctions or adoption shelters. Animal testing is also called "in vivo experimentation" or "vivisection". This involves torture, suffering, cruelty and death.

The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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