Sterilize and give their two annual vaccines, rabies and sixfold, to stray dogs

Sterilize and give their two annual vaccines, rabies and sixfold, to stray dogs

people signed. Let's get to 5,000!

Sterilize and give their two annual vaccines, rabies and sixfold, to stray dogs

Addressed to: Metropolitan Regional Government of Santiago

Because they are defenseless beings to whom we must give them love and respect their innocent lives. Dogs have the perception of a child of two to three years, and that deserves respect, love, responsibility, and above all create awareness for life, realizing that we are not the only ones on the planet, that we are water, sky, earth, humans and animals.

With this petition I want to ask those who govern us to allocate money from our taxes to carry out a campaign of sterilization and vaccination for stray dogs. They need it and we have an obligation to do it.


The content of the petitions and the opinions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the author.

Reasons for signing

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