Spain: stop these killer monsters
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Addressed to: Government of Spain and 1 more
Dedicated to all the greyhounds of the world, Spain is the country of the hanged greyhounds. Spain is the country that does not appreciate the tenderness of a noble animal like the greyhound. Spain is the country of trees used by murderers, where an infamous rope ends with a life. Spain is a sterile land where so many animals are killed with impunity.
The greyhounds are the poets that lurk in the wind, in silence, hanging from a cable, drowned or dead in a ditch. Greyhounds give us lessons of humility and accept their painful and insignificant life. The tracks of the greyhounds leave no trace. They are fast, winged, almost ethereal. They do not seem to be influenced by gravity. Greyhounds accelerate the rotation of the earth, and thanks to their careers you can feel the celestial music. Greyhounds are never separated from God. There are those who say that God is an old man with a white beard and rough skin, but God is a sick child who calms his pain by stroking the head of a greyhound.
The men who hang greyhounds have lost their souls long ago. The men who hang the greyhounds hide their eyes behind the dark glasses, because the eyes betray. We must eradicate these murderers from our land. The men who hang the greyhounds do not have love. They can not justify their own actions and express their own emotions, they just leave a wake of pain and fear. Every time a greyhound dies, a child is orphaned. Greyhounds lend the light of their own eyes to sick children. They accompany in the nights of fever and nightmares.
Men prepare for death with hunting rifles and long ropes, and those who suffer are greyhounds that end up dying when their masters no longer need them. We want the greyhounds to live, we want the greyhounds to be rescued, and we want their killers to end up in prison, where they deserve to be.
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